Great Male Survey: Dating Myths
The results of AM's Great Male Survey debunk some major myths that have held guys back in the dating world.
By Gary Jackson, Relationship Correspondent
Page 1: Top 10: Male Myths - Dating
Top 10 male myths about dating
Myths have sprung up about the nature of men for ages. Mainly spread by women, they paint a picture of a shallow little creature who is particularly scared of women who are "better" than him. If these rumors are believed by the very men they are about then we often stumble into situations like dating not really wanting to be there, and not knowing what to do when we are there.
Of course, some of these male myths are most definitely false, especially when it comes to dating. The Great Male Survey, carried out here at AM, aims to get to the root of the modern man, dispel the myths surrounding him and reveal the true, complex nature of guys and dating.
However, until women learn from the findings of the Great Male Survey, they'll continue to believe the stories they've made up about us when it comes to dating. Here, we look at the common male myths surrounding the controversial subject of dating.
Number 10
Men like younger women
Conventional wisdom suggests it's hardwired into men to go for younger women, that it's instinctive, and on that deep, animal level we're looking for a woman who has the best chance of giving us children. Of course, younger women are more likely to do this than older ones, however, it is by no means a hard-and-fast rule.
Then again, it's the younger women who make themselves more attractive. They're the ones hitting the clubs, dressed to impress. They're also the ones least likely to be locked into an established, long-term relationship. Maybe we're just taking our pick of what's on offer? We'll have to wait and see…
Number 9
Men hate chick flicks
Gentle humor and predictable, heart-warming endings: Why wouldn't guys like chick flicks? The fact is they're targeted at women. The stories they want to hear, the men they want date, the plucky, if slightly overweight, girl gets her happy ending -- and not a single gunfight, car chase or explosion throughout the entire thing.
However, do men "hate" them? Hate's a strong word. While guys don't walk into a bar and tell their buddies to check out the latest chick flick at the movies, most have sat down and made it through Bridget Jones' Diary. Some might have even liked it.
Number 8
Men are eager to cheat
Women have this firmly held belief that the only thing stopping us from falling into bed with their best friend, the hot barmaid or the nearest stranger is their constant, steely gaze upon us. When it comes to sex, myths have sprung up claiming men are ruled by the penis and not even relationships, promises or consequences are able to stop us from sleeping with someone else.
This could be true for some men, but it'd be rather harsh to judge us all by these standards. And maybe women shouldn't be so quick to propagate this myth. A recent poll found 40% of guys think dating should be exclusive, while just 33% of women agreed to that same statement.
Number 7
Men are intimidated by intelligence
The stereotype that men are looking for a blond bimbo girlfriend is a commonly held one. According to this myth, we men don't want a woman who can think for herself and actually hold an opinion or read the odd book or two. No, that would undermine our own intelligence. We just want a girl to look pretty and keep quiet.
Maybe it's our (almost) constant lusting over airhead models and actresses that makes this seem like a plausible myth. However, research suggests that 70% of us highly rate intelligence, with 50% ranking looks as being important. Of course, stick a guy in a bar with a super-smart, yet rough-looking, woman and a stunning, ditzy chick and these stats may just evaporate.
Number 6
Men are intimidated by success
Men tend to be competitive by nature. Throw a bunch together and before long, just like peacocks or stags, we'll be trying to find out who's the best; who can shoot the most hoops; who earns more, etc. At times, we can get close to whipping out a measuring stick just to see who's really the man amongst us.
So the myth perpetuates that this must-win attitude carries over to our dating. Apparently, we don't want to meet successful women because that would somehow make us less manly -- after all, we're supposed to look after the chick, right? In reality, just 6% of men would be concerned if their date earned more than them. However, the rest might change their minds when their date picks them up from their mom's house in her brand new BMW.
We hope to debunk a few more male myths about dating...
Page 2: Male Myths - Dating
Number 5
Men are scared of marriage
The Kryptonite of all men, allegedly, is the institution of marriage. It's the one thing that can send an otherwise functional guy in a happy relationship completely insane. Faced with the prospect of a wedding, a guy will chew off his own leg before going through with that long walk down the aisle.
This logic means that every married man on the planet was either tricked, coerced or bribed into settling down with the woman he loves. It's not even like women are that desperate to head down the aisle these days. In figures that would shock Jane Austin, just 18% of women say they are looking for marriage.
Number 4
Men want to be eternal bachelors
And who wouldn't? A constant stream of women looking to share your bed and as much beer and PlayStation as you can handle is the life of the real bachelor. A wife, kids, responsibility -- they just complicate an otherwise perfect bachelor life, no?
Well, apparently 85% of single men would like to find a partner. While guys do like the bachelor lifestyle, it doesn't always mean we want to be single forever. Just like women, we don't want to lose too much of our freedom, which is why we try to hang on to those little things that make us feel like we're one of the guys.
Number 3
Men aren't romantics
Given that 14% think sending flowers is a cliché, and 45% believe a woman should contribute toward the cost of the first date, it's no wonder this myth exists. Women have this notion that men are just simple, lumbering beasts with no concept of romance or how to woo the girl they want -- but, really, what is romance?
Usually, romance is seen as just another way for women to get free stuff out of the guy they're seeing. A bunch of flowers, an expensive bracelet, a surprise holiday: this is what women expect in exchange for spending time with them, and they dress it up as "romance." At the same time, they seem to forget the important things we do all the time like telling them they look great, opening doors and pulling out chairs. Is it chivalry or shiny things that classifies as romantic these days?
Number 2
Men only care about looks
A study found that one-third of men would not date an overweight woman, while 65% would happily get involved with a girl sporting large breasts. This is hardly surprising. If attraction happens within the first few seconds of seeing someone, the bulk of it is bound to be on looks, as it's all we've got to on.
However, 67% of men find self-confidence an attractive trait in prospective dates, while 53% rated sophistication a top priority. So, while being good-looking helps us notice women, maybe in reality we're a lot more selective than society gives us credit for?
Number 1
Men are scared of commitment
The biggest cliché in the dating book reads "men run a mile when asked to commit." The second a guy tries to maintain a little of his freedom to have his own life, interests and friends, he's accused of having "commitment issues." Apparently, having spent all the time and effort getting into a relationship, our next thought is to then escape it.
Men don't always want an easy, open arrangement and 72% would never date a girl they thought had "loose morals." It could be that there is some part of us that's hardwired to always seek new experiences and not get stuck in one place for too long. However, that doesn't mean we can't appreciate a real, committed relationship too.
the mysteries of men
Well, that's just some of the trash that gets thrown around about men on the street. Maybe some of it is true, maybe some is way off the mark. And regardless of the stats listed above, we're still not convinced.
However, AM's Great Male Survey will soon let us find out what the scores really are. Which could be cause for a lot more respect from women, but it could also take away a lot of our excuses for bad behavior…
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